
Determination of "Malice" in Malicious Patent Litigation

The "malice" in malicious patent litigation is primarily evident in the claimant's "awareness" that their lawsuit lacks a legitimate basis in rights or factual grounds. Determining this subjective state should be based on the facts of the case and established principles.

A Statistical Model for Analyzing the Lifetime Cost of Chinese Patents ​

The study considers all costs incurred throughout the innovation stage to the end of patent life. The findings suggest that the lifetime cost of a good patent can be minimized by a particular combination of the internal pass rate and the official grant rate.

The EPO problem solution approach and its importance in the context of the new UP/UPC system

A well-drafted and clear patent specification with precise and unambiguous technical terms, structured in a logical and consequential way, might represent a competitive advantage for the Applicant and increase the chances of success in granting the European patent.

Strategic Patenting Tactics for Expansion into Europe

What should Chinese companies consider when expanding to Europe? The following article outlines important patenting tactics for successful market entry. Patenting in Europe differs from patenting in China. Some aspects should be taken into account already before entering Europe.

Reflecting on the first six-months of the Unified Patent Court

After nearly 50 years and various attempts to have a ‘unified patent system’ in Europe, on 1 June 2023 we saw the dawning of a new era with the opening of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the beginning of a new patent regime with the Unitary Patent (UP).