Huawei Beijing Oriental Ranked in The Top 20, While Apple Intel Ranked Down

Huawei Beijing Oriental Ranked in The Top 20, While Apple Intel Ranked Down


Who is the most innovative company in the world? Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon are the big technology giants in front of people. Interestingly, however, in the US patent rankings published over the years, another group of seemingly "a little old" companies have always dominated.

IBM ranks first in patent ranking in 26 years

According to the latest 2018 patent ranking issued from the American Association of Intellectual Property Owners, IBM ranked first with 9088 patents in the whole year, which is the 26th consecutive year IBM ranked first in the list. IBM has the most patents in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, security technology and quantum computing.

Samsung of South Korea and Canon of Japan ranked second and third with 5836 and 3206 patents respectively, followed by General Electric and Intel. Google and Apple ranked sixth and eleventh with 2597 patents and 2147 patents, respectively, and Microsoft and Amazon ranked ninth and sixteenth.

Huawei and Jingdong ranks in the top 20

The rapid increase in Huawei's patents has benefited from the development of 5G technology. Among the top 10 companies contributing most to 5G standard technology in the world, Huawei ranked first with 1975 patents, accounting for more than 15%, and also surpassed Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia and Qualcomm.

Last week, Huawei also launched its own operating system, Hongmeng. People from Huawei told CBN Journalist, "Hongmeng OS is a future-oriented, micro-kernel-based, full-scene distributed operating system, but open Android system and ecosystem are still our first choice."

In 2018, companies investing more than USD$10 billion in R&D worldwide include Samsung, Apple and Intel in addition to Huawei. Apple's patents fell by 3.6% and Intel's patents by 36.6%. This also shows that the innovation ability of the two companies has declined.



Source: China Business News

Date: August 15, 2019

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